Upload file with custom filename from input form
Upload file with custom filename from input form

Hello, I need to help from you:
I want upload file to server - it is not problem, is working, OK, but I want to ask:
How to set and change:
Upload::inst( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads/ID.EXTN' )
I want upload file with manula set filename from input form if I want CREATE RECORD:
Filename: new-york-USA
Datetime: 2016-01-01
Autor: MyName
Upload::inst( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads/'.$filename.'-'.$datetime.'-'.$autor.'EXTN' )
Why it is not working?
And uploading file and I want that file was name: new-york-USA-2016-01-01-MyName.pdf
Thank you for help :-)
Hi Ljubo,
You need to use a custom upload action. The reason the above won't work (unless you do some clever little hacks) is that
won't be set when the code with it in is executed.There is one additional complication - if you want the file name, etc, to come from Editor input fields, those values aren't submitted to the server when the file is uploaded - only once the form is submitted (and upload happens immediately when the file is selected).
What you might therefore do is store the uploaded file in a temporary location, then move it to the final name when the Editor form is submitted. That could be done with a server-side event -
for example.Regards,