Hiding all columns performance issue
Hiding all columns performance issue

I'm trying to hide/show all DT columns (around 30) via a button click with the code bellow:
extend: 'colvisGroup',
text: 'Show all',
className: 'buttons-show-cols',
show: '*'
extend: 'colvisGroup',
text: 'Show none',
className: 'buttons-hide-cols',
hide: '*'
For some reason when button is clicked browser freezes up for around 5 seconds before the columns are shown or hidden. Is this a normal behavior and if not, is there a way to speed it up?
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Could you try the nightly version of DataTables please. This performance issue should already have been addressed there.
Hey Allan,
Thanks, will try it (didn't think about trying with that one). I guess the nightly version is not available via bower? Any ETA for release?
It isn't a tagged release, but I think you can grab a specific version from bower using the commit hash. This is the distribution repo you could try using the latest hash from there.
ETA was planned for today, but a ton of support requests have come in, so it will be bumped to next week I'm afraid.