how to add custom html view in header and footer in printview
how to add custom html view in header and footer in printview

Hi ,
How can we add custom header and footer html view in print mode in datatable .
Like i need to put logo, date time in header and page no, and copyright info in footer of print view ,{pdf } .
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this info needs to be there in all pages .
Is is possible to add headers and footers in each page of pdf /doc (in side print view) from datatables ?
This sounds beyond capabilities of DataTables. I have solved something similar to this but I used our JClass ServerViews license. Do you have a server back-end or is this all to be done on the front-end?
I have to done this from front-end.
I had figure-out pdfmake has the feature to modify the pdf ,
datatable has pdfHtml5 button , which provide customize(doc), now i am doing that .
Thank You