Very low performance while using mRender with large data-set !
Very low performance while using mRender with large data-set !

When using mRender for all columns in my dataTable along with a larger data set, my table operations become really slow.
My Need :
Add rows at desired index, clicking on a '+' icon in first column. This should shift rows from that index to bottom, including data.
Each cell has to be an input field. Hence, I am using mRender which returns an <input> with data as its value.
Now; to add row at 'x'th index, what I do is :
- get entire table data and store it to a variable 'dataSet'
- splice the array 'dataSet' and insert new-row-template at 'x'th index
- clear table
- fnAddData(dataSet)
The above operations work smoothly and effortlessly without any delay when I comment out my code for custom mRender. Once that code is back in, boom!! 'add new row' takes atleast a minute to update x-( . This delay increases with no.of rows below 'x'th index, which is obvious..
Also please note, I have different mRender for each column. Achieved this by matching mData.
=> if 4 columns, first two have to be links(with different classes and attributes) and next two have to be input fields(with different classes and attributes); i.e., all 4 mRenders are unique.
I needed a solution for performance degradation with mRender :(
Please help!!
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