ASP.NET MVC ajax custom filter and paging
ASP.NET MVC ajax custom filter and paging

I try to use Datatable in mvc application. I have a custom form to filter values, and load data into table by ajax.
serverSide: true,
bFilter: false,
"oLanguage": {
"sUrl": "/Content/DataTables/languages/Russian.json"
"ajax": function (data, callback, settings) {
url: "/Admin/Product/Products",
type: "POST",
data: $("#searchForm").serializeObject() + "&draw=" + data.draw + "&start=" + data.start + "&length=" + data.length
In controller i pass my viewmodel to filter values and paging info.
But draw always = 1, and my table didn't show any content. The json come to client, I can see it in fiddler, but table does not show anything.
public ActionResult Products(ProductSearchViewModel model, int draw, int start, int length){...}
${"draw":1,"iTotalRecords":1048,"iTotalDisplayRecords":10,"aaData":[["1","1001F","GoodWill","Воздушные","16","0,0008","0,87","False"],["2","1002F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,000928","1,505","False"],["3","1003F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","10","0,001716","1,595","True"],["4","1004F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,0008","1,88","True"],["5","1007F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","13","0,001804","2,46","True"],["6","1008F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","10","0,001716","1,6","True"],["7","1010F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,00096","1,63","True"],["8","1012F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,001494","0,023902","True"],["9","1013F","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,0008","0,92","True"],["10","1013FX","GoodWill","Тормозные колодки","16","0,0008","0,93","True"]]}
And there is no javascript errors in Chrome console.
What shall I do to display data i table?
Can you paste your controller code please. This link might help :
I saw this link. As I said, I need to use my special model, and a special form for it. But if I create it, I cannot find paging data (draw, start and length) in request. I don't understand why need the controller code if the question is only how to post custom form and default paging info on server, but if you want here it is:
public ActionResult Products(ProductSearchViewModel model, int draw, int start, int length)
But in this case datatable does not load content.