Bug when using boostrap table to confirm update row data
Bug when using boostrap table to confirm update row data

I render a button ( ban button ) on every row data. when click this button , modal will display to user confirm yes or no, if click yes will update ban status for this row. ( Here I have used console mod to test row data return)
$('#datatable tbody').on('click','.btn-ban',function(){
var row = $(this).closest('tr')
var data = table.row(row).data();
$('#modalAlert .modal-body').text($(this).attr('alert_title'))
$('#modalAlert .btn-ok').on('click', function(e){
console.log(data) // data return to test.
// Update Database
// var state = data.ban==1 ? 0 : 1
// data.ban = state
// url: data.controller+'/'+'ban',
// type: "get",
// data: {id:data.id,state:state},
// success: function(d){
// dt.ban = status
// table.row(row).data(data).draw();
// }
However, when i click the first button , console mode will show this row data
Click the second button , console mode will show 2 row data ( of 1 and 2 row )
Third button .................. show 3 row data.
Fourth button ................ show 4 row data.
=> i just want get data of row I click, to update ajax.
Please Help me.
My demo link : http://plnkr.co/edit/IbJQVFytCWw1TVnTBpXg?p=preview
( turn one on browser to test )
is never destroyed. It is only hidden. You bind a click event to#modalAlert .btn-ok
every time a ban button is clicked, so.btn-ok
ends up with many click events bound.There are a few ways to fix this, a simple way is to move the
click handler outside your.btn-ban
click handler.Thanks very much. @pkwadmin.
Now i set a 'data' global var and move the .btn-ok click handler outside , and problem fixed