Bug report: Download page has error with jQuery version
Bug report: Download page has error with jQuery version

Hi all,
In the Download Builder page, even when I choose jQuery 1.x, I still see jQuery 2.2.3 if I choose "Individual files" as Concatenate
1) CDN
script type="...." ...."https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.3.js"></script
2) Local files
script type="..." ...."jQuery-2.2.3/jquery-2.2.3.js"></script
(However, the downloaded zip file has the correct version 1.12.3 of jquery https://datatables.net/download/builder?dt/jqc-1.12.3,dt-1.10.12,se-1.2.0 )
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Ah, this forum does not allow copy pasting of HTML inclusion tags (avoid hacking ?)
Thanks for pointing that out - I'll give it fixed (although it might be next week!).
Regarding the forum - yes, HTML is stripped to prevent hacking. You can use Markdown syntax highlighting to show HTML tags.