pdf download indicator ?

pdf download indicator ?

alkaalka Posts: 4Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited June 2016 in Free community support

when there is a huge amount of data in datatable dataset, then on clicking the pdf button it takes few seconds to make pdf while that time I need to show a loader i.e (pdf is in processing) or its not possible...Please Help...... Someone very urgent

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var hidden_startdate_avail = $(".hiddendate_avail1").val();
        var hidden_enddate_avail = $(".hiddendate_avail2").val();
        var table = $('#table_id').DataTable({
             paging: false,
            scrollY: 647,
            dom: 'Bfrtip',
            "bProcessing": true,
            buttons: [{
                extend: 'csvHtml5',
                text: '',
                titleAttr: 'Download CSV',
                extension: '.csv',
                exportOptions: {
                    modifier: {
                        page: 'current'
            }, {
                extend: 'pdfHtml5',
                text: '',
                titleAttr: 'Download PDF',
                alignment: 'center',
                title: 'Resource Utilization Report',
                orientation: 'landscape',
                pageSize: 'LEGAL',
                message: 'Start Date:: ' + hidden_startdate_avail + ' - End Date:: ' + hidden_enddate_avail,
                pageSize: 'A4',
                exportOptions: {
                    modifier: {
                        page: 'current'
        $('#table_id tbody')
            .on('mouseenter', 'td', function() {
                var colIdx = table.cell(this).index().column;

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  • allanallan Posts: 64,052Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin

    There is no option for that at the moment I'm afraid.

    If it is very urgent, the priority support options are available and I can put together an example of how it might be done by providing your own action method that displays a processing message and then calls the original PDF create action method to build the PDF.


  • alkaalka Posts: 4Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited June 2016

    Hey Allan thanx for your quick response and suggestion.. But I did it myself :)

  • BrettABrettA Posts: 12Questions: 4Answers: 0

    Hi alka, I'm looking for this exact thing.
    Are you able to provide the code for you got the Loading Message to appear when the user clicks the PDF button?

  • Yvon @CirriosYvon @Cirrios Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 1
    Answer ✓

    May be you already find a way. i was facing the same problem yesterday and i find an hack and i would like to share it with you. Before your own action method overide the default one i just save it, then set yours and inside it you can call the method that you saved earlier.
    for saving the default do something like :
    var default_action_pdf=$.fn.DataTable.ext.buttons.pdfHtml5.action ;

    and your action mehod could be :

    action :function ( e, dt, button, config ) {
    default_action_pdf( e, dt, button, config ) ;
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 500);

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