Responsive toggle info is considered as hidden columns, how to fixed that?
Responsive toggle info is considered as hidden columns, how to fixed that?

I'm using Colvis, Responsive and ColumnDefs visible (true false) with export buttons.
I need some clarification about visible column.
It's look like responsive toggled information (child) is considered as not visible column and cause problem when using the export function with[':visible']
so if you are in mobile device export only visible you will end with one or two columns. Is there a way to by pass that and still using only visible columns for the rest
(if the colum def is set visible and the colvis show this column?
Maybe there should be an option for the end-user to select the columns they want to export/print.
I really need to find a solution
Since I have fixed an another problem
It's seem that I have no longer the problem.
Or maybe this is a random issue, I will continue my tests to make sure this is ok.