How to get max and min value of columns in data table using jQuery?
How to get max and min value of columns in data table using jQuery?

Hello, I have a problem,
I have a table and I would like get max number of one column, but i don't know how to do.
I use this code for do the SUM
var table = $("#myTable").DataTable();
$("#myTable").on('search.dt', function() {
$('#areaDate').html(table.column( 3, {page:'current'} ).data().sum());
$('#energyIntensity').html(table.column( 8, {page:'current'} ).data().sum());
And now I want to do a MAX of this column.
Could someone help me?
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Use and in conjunction with your .data().
Also see
Thank's you! I used the 3rd option