How to change text field label when change select drop box in datatables editor
How to change text field label when change select drop box in datatables editor

I want to change label when changing the value in select drop box.
function loadTestCodeName(){
var testCodeSet = new Array();
url: "databaseManager.php",
type: "post", //send it through get method
data: {'functionID': 'loadTestName'},
success: function (response) {
var json = $.parseJSON(response);
testCodeSet = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++)
testCodeSet[i] = {"label":json[i].testName, "value":json[i].testCode};
return testCodeSet;
var testCodeSet = loadTestCodeName();
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "datatable/lot_table.php",
table: "#lot-data-table",
idSrc: 'id',
fields: [ {
label: "Test Name:",
name: "test_name",
}, {
label: "Test Value:",
name: "test_value"
i18n: {
create: {
button: "Create Lot",
title: "Create Lot",
submit: "Create"
edit: {
button: "Edit Lot",
title: "Edit Lot",
submit: "Update"
} );
when I change Test Name, it has max value and min value of every item. And I'm going to change label of "Test Value" to "Test value(10 ~ 20)".