How can I hanle accentuented characters in my database and still use dataTables, please ?
How can I hanle accentuented characters in my database and still use dataTables, please ?

At first, I thank you for sharing this very nice tool...
I am facing a probably classical difficulty but yet, I can't find any clear solution in the various posts.
The provided "server-side" example is working fine "as it is" (I have set the DB up with a "utf16_swedish_ci" collation). The problem is that whenever I add an accent to a name in the database, it fails. I have also tried with a personnal DB which is "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" coded, and it fails also.
My constraint is I cannot change the coding of the DB I connect to....So, what can I do to (simply ?) get DataTable handling accentuented characters ?
Thank you,
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Up for precision :
the closest post is
I'd like to give a try but where should I input the instruction : *mysql_set_charset ("UTF8", $link_to_database); ??
Thanks again...
OK ! it is clear now and it works : we apply the filter 'utf8_encode()' to the data produced by the method 'data_output method' in the SSP class (of course !...Sorry for this easy problem)
Congratulations again...
Thanks for posting back. Great to hear that you have this working now!