Responsive plugin - footer detail
Responsive plugin - footer detail

I'm using DataTables (1.10.12) with the Responsive plugin (2.1.0), and whereas all the body rows can be made to show details in a modal or a child row, the footer is simply collapsed with no way of expanding it.
Specifically, I'm referencing an existing issue, last described in this thread. Unfortunately, the proposed solution was avoiding a tfoot row entirely, and treating a normal table row as the footer (styled to look like the footer, plus a column sorting trick to keep it at the bottom). This doesn't work well for me, as I'm using sorting, filtering, pagination, ajax and dynamic aggregation in the footer and this would complicate things way too much (it's essentially a hack that is applicable only to simple cases).
I've looked at the latest Responsive source, and when the visibility of columns gets changed, I didn't see a simple way to make a details row or modal for the footer without changing more than a few parts of the logic. Not being too familiar with the DT API, I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way to do this without too much hassle. I would be grateful if someone in the community has a recommendation or if there is interest in changing the Responsive plugin to support this use case.