Default content well formed?
Default content well formed?

Hi, i have an input which open an a pop-up. This input work perfectly.
I put that input on a column using default content, but when the table is displayed, the input don't open the pop-up.
here is my code:
var oTable = $('#example').dataTable({
"ajax": "../procM45/apoyoEstudio/data.json",
"columns": [
{"data": "NIF/NIE"},
{"data": "1er Apellido"},
{"data": "2do Apellido"},
{"data": "Nombre"},
{"data": "Sexo"},
{"data": "Fecha Nacimiento"},
{"data": "Fecha Contrato"},
{"data": "Demandante empleo larga duracion"},
{"data": "Tipo Contrato"},
{"data": "% Jornada"},
{"data": "Discap"},
{"data": "Causas Archivo"},
{"data": "Aut SCSP Ide"},
{"data": "Aut SCSP Dis"},
{"data": "Imp Solic"},
{"data": "Imp Conced"},
"data": null,
"defaultContent": "<input id='abrir' value='Open Dialog Form'>"
"aoColumnDefs": [
{"sClass": "contenido_tabla_portlet", "aTargets": ['_all']}
any ideas? thanks!!
This discussion has been closed.
My guess is that it is this FAQ, but without a link to a test case I'm afraid I can't be sure.