I need to change the data type in the column to the drop-down list as it is in the picture
I need to change the data type in the column to the drop-down list as it is in the picture

**This is the code **
**Note the column name in the code is Status **
@section Scripts{
var oTable; var InitiateSearchableDataTableAlbum = function () { return { init: function () { oTable = $('#searchable').dataTable({ "sDom": "Tflt<'row DTTTFooter'<'col-sm-3'i><'col-sm-9'p>>", "bServerSide": true, "sAjaxSource": "/Admin/Order/datatableOrder", "aaSorting": [[1, 'asc']], "aoColumnDefs": [{ 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [3,4] }], "aLengthMenu": [ [5, 15, 20, -1], [5, 15, 20, "All"] ], "iDisplayLength": 7, "aoColumns": [ { "sType": "html", "mDataProp": "Customer" }, { "sType": "html", "mDataProp": "TotalPrice" }, { "sType": "html", "mData": "InsertDate", "mRender": function (oe, type, full) { var date1 = full["InsertDate"].split('T')[0]; return date1; } }, { "sType": "html", "mDataProp": "Status" }, //THIS IS THE CODE ******************* { "sType": "html", "mData": "ID", "mRender": function (oe, type, full) { return ''; } } ], "fnServerParams": function (aoData) { aoData.push({ "name": "StatusID", "value": $('#StatusID').val() }, { "name": "CustomerID", "value": $('#CustomerID').val() }, { "name": "InsertDate", "value": $('#txtDate').val() }); }, "oTableTools": { "aButtons": [ "copy", "print", { "sExtends": "collection", "sButtonText": "Save ", "aButtons": ["csv", "xls", "pdf"] }], "sSwfPath": "" }, "language": { "search": "", "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_", "oPaginate": { "sPrevious": "Prev", "sNext": "Next" } } }); $(document).on("change", "thead input,thead select", function () { oTable.fnFilter(this.value, $("thead input").index(this)); }); $("thead input").keyup(function () { oTable.fnFilter(this.value, $("thead input").index(this)); }); } } }(); InitiateSearchableDataTableAlbum.init(); $(function () { });}
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