not applied width option when use column colspan
not applied width option when use column colspan

if your see image, colspan columns have same width
so I want to set each column width.
ex) col 1 : 100px;
col 2 : 150px;
col 3 : 300px;
although I assigned Width, Its ignored
Why would that be??
I set table-layout:fixed; at Table
And My code is below
$('#srTable').DataTable( {
autoWidth : true,
paging : false,
scrollY : 400,
data : tabData,
deferRender : true,
columns : [
{ data : "taskType",
width : "10px",
className : "dt-center"
{ data : "taskCardNumber",
width : "50px",
className : "dt-center dt-nowrap",
createdCell : function( td, cellData, rowData, row, col){
$(td).attr("title", cellData );
{ data : "taskTitle",
width : "100px",
className : "dt-body-left dt-nowrap",
createdCell : function( td, cellData, rowData, row, col){
$(td).attr("title", cellData );
$(td).css("//width", "50px" );
} ]
This discussion has been closed.
one more.
if set colgroup tag, It apply only tbody data ( not apply header )
so not using this tag
very strange~
Could you link to a test page showing the issue please?
Regarding the colgroup - unfortunately that isn't supported with a scrolling DataTable at this time.
Thanks allan, about reply
i made example codes at below address
I want to resize columns (each size 30px, 100px, 200px )
but not applied,,,, it have same size
I need your help allan
The CSS has
width: 100%
for the table by default. So the browser is stretching it out in order to fulfil that requirement. You would need to remove that in order for the widths to be allowed to work: .Allan
i set width: auto; and i assigned each width
It's very good
but if contents of certain column overflow, this column stretch ..
because of width : auto;
for solving this, i tested various options
white-space: nowrap;
but be useless
Those properties need to be on the
cells, but it still isn't working like I would have expected. If you look in the inspector the sizes have been correctly applied to the columns - I don't understand why it isn't shrinking...Allan