Total over all pages for serverside datatable

Total over all pages for serverside datatable

secoseco Posts: 17Questions: 6Answers: 0

Hi im using datatables 1.10
i want to show sum of current page and total pages for my serverside datatable
i use sum plugin like this

        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        stateSave: true,
        ajax: 'stock/data-json',
        "fnDrawCallback": function() {
        var api = this.api();

        // Total over all pages
        var total = api.column(4).data().sum();

        // Total over this page
        var pageTotal = api.column(4, {page:'current'}).data().sum();
        $(api.column(4).footer()).html(pageTotal + ' ( ' + total + ' total)');

the page total shows correct BUT the sum total pages show also the current page not the total !!!
and this is bacause the data is serverside processed so it ca not see the other records

now how i can get the total of all records in serverside datatable ?
thanks in advance.


  • secoseco Posts: 17Questions: 6Answers: 0

    any help to get the sum of a column when using serverside datatable ?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,123Questions: 1Answers: 10,578 Site admin

    The client-side API is only able to sum the data at the client-side. You need to calculate the sum at the server-side using SQL or whatever data source it is that you are using.


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