Responsive not transferring DOM elements to collapsible area
Responsive not transferring DOM elements to collapsible area

Desktop view:
1st Breakpoint view:
Where the contributor/s are, those two dom elements should have been transferred as is, however instead I get [object Object]
Original cell data (prettified here, but minified when live):
<td class=" booklistContributors" style="">
<a data-identifier="undefined" class="stamp stamp-contributor">
<span class="stamp-left"><i class="icon-user"></i></span>
<span class="stamp-right">J.K. Rowling</span>
<a data-identifier="undefined" class="stamp stamp-contributor">
<span class="stamp-left"><i class="icon-user"></i></span>
<span class="stamp-right">Jack Thorne</span>
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