Large Dataset (800k+ rows) for online/offline searching
Large Dataset (800k+ rows) for online/offline searching

Hi there,
As the title suggests, I'm trying to create a searchable HTML table from a significant number of rows.
At present, I'm using a very large .txt file (generated from csvtojson) and Ajax loading - understandably, the browser is crashing quite regularly and performance is slow.
I am looking to enable server-side processing to speed things up, but my project also demands that the function (searchable table) be available offline - for long-distance flights etc.
We use Adobe Experience Manager which takes html and allows for offline reading of articles - the plan was to package the table up as essentially, an article to be downloaded as a one-off and therefore searchable offline. This has worked well with a sample set of 1000 rows, but I was hoping to get some advice for the significantly larger set of data.
Basically, I have a load of data in a .csv that needs to be searchable online and offline and DataTables has been great to work with on smaller sets.
If anyone has any advice, scathing criticism on this approach or suggestions - all greatly appreciated.