When using ajax for data, how to get initial content in the inline editor?
When using ajax for data, how to get initial content in the inline editor?

I have tried using the editor in 2 ways; the first way is when I am passing full dictionaries to the datatable ie {name:value} pairs.
In that case the inline editors I have set up in two columns are defined just by the names of the keys to use ({'content','text'}). The initial content in the inline text editor comes from the row's dictionary entry for content, so this way is successful.
I have since upgraded my datatables to use server side ajax to get the content. When I do it this way, the inline editor does not have the initial content (which is required), but edits DO save. I have tried changing the initial content from the above to:
[{'label':'Content','name':'content','data':5} (5 being the array index for the value) but that did not do it.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.