Altered POST data since update to DataTables 1.10.15 and Editor 1.6.2
Altered POST data since update to DataTables 1.10.15 and Editor 1.6.2
Posts: 19Questions: 6Answers: 0
After an update, i noticed altered POST data (array _POST) to the server (yes, i purged the browser cache), when i changed one cell content with inline editing:
With DataTables 1.10.13 and Editor 1.6.1:
['action'] => 'setEmployeeAssignedTimes'
['data'] => array(
['jobgroupId-1_employeeToken-SKH'] => array(
['sa'] => 1
['jobgroup'] => 1
['tableWeek'] => 0
['showCalendarWeek'] => 18
['showYear'] => 2017
With DataTables 1.10.15 and Editor 1.6.2:
['action'] => 'setEmployeeAssignedTimes'
['data'] => array(
['jobgroupId-1_employeeToken-SKH'] => array(
['employee'] => 'AKH'
['sa'] => 1
['jobgroup'] => 1
['tableWeek'] => 0
['showCalendarWeek'] => 18
['showYear'] => 2017
Look at the waste entry: ['employee'] => 'AKH' (in addition, the value is totally wrong). Where does this waste line comes from?
My config:
editor_jobgroup_1 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor ({
ajax: {
url: "ajax.php",
data: {
"action": "setEmployeeAssignedTimes",
"jobgroup": "1",
"tableWeek": "0",
"showCalendarWeek": showCalendarWeek,
"showYear": showYear
table: "#table_weeksGroupsTable1",
fields: [{
label: "Kürzel",
name: "employee",
type: "select",
className: "employeeToken",
options: employeesJobgroup1Diff // Show array[available] - array[already used] employees
label: "Mo",
name: "mo",
def: "8"
label: "Di",
name: "tu",
def: "8"
label: "Mi",
name: "we",
def: "8"
label: "Do",
name: "th",
def: "8"
label: "Fr",
name: "fr",
def: "8"
label: "Sa",
name: "sa",
def: "0"
$('#table_weeksGroupsTable1').on ('click', 'tbody td.editable', function (e) {
editor_jobgroup_1.inline (this);
table_jobgroup_1 = $("#table_weeksGroupsTable1").DataTable ({
paging: false,
ordering: false,
searching: false,
info: false,
dom: "Bfrtip",
buttons: [
{ extend: "create", editor: editor_jobgroup_1 }
columns: [
{ data: "employeeAndWorkload" },
{ data: "mo",
className: "editable" },
{ data: "tu" },
{ data: "we" },
{ data: "th" },
{ data: "fr" },
{ data: "sa" }
This discussion has been closed.
Hi Eduard,
I'm not sure where that is coming from I'm afraid. I don't actually even see a
field definition in your code above, so I'm not sure what that field is being included in the submit data at all.Could you give me a link to a test case showing the issue please?
"jobgroupId-1_employeeToken-SKH" is the table row id (set in php on the server) of the edited row and the editor put them automatically into the _POST array (and this is a good idea). But ['employee'] => 'AKH' is a definitly waste entry.
Could i send you a link with pm?
Yes please - that would be great! Click my name above and then the "Send message" button.