Responsive Expand / Collapse only when icon is clicked (exclude other content in cell)
Responsive Expand / Collapse only when icon is clicked (exclude other content in cell)

I understand that the solution to this is to have the expand / collapse icon in it's own column, however, for the app I am working on I would like the icon to be in the first column along with the cell content, which in this case is a checkbox.
With the expand / collapse icon in the first column when the checkbox is checked / unchecked it triggers the expand / collapse of the DataTables row. Is there a way to only trigger the expand / collapse by the icon only (ie excluding all other cell content)?
Up, same question for me
There seems to be a good solution here
The first answer that has 6 votes, uses this part
to prevent the checkbox to interact with the pseudo-element, alternatively it creates a new html element as expand/collapse button. I hope this helps you.