Filter table from HTML option elsewhere on page.
Filter table from HTML option elsewhere on page.
In this scenario, I have an HTML dropdown apart from the editor table.
What I'd like to be able to do is apply a dropdown-filter like this:
$("#ReconciledFilter").change(function() {
// reload editor, reading parameter value from this html option.
I've tried, without success, editor.ajax.reload()
What do I need to do differently?
The overall structure looks like this..
var editor;
$(() => {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: "@Url.Action("EditorTable")",
table: "#example",
fields: [
/* more fields ...*/
label: "Reconciled",
name: "Reconciled",
type: "checkbox",
separator: "|",
unselectedValue: 0,
options: [
{ label: '', value: 1 }
/* more fields ...*/
var dataTableConfig = {
dom: "Blftipr",
buttons: ['excelHtml5', 'print'],
ajax: {
url: "@Url.Action("EditorTable")",
data: {
campus: "@Model.Campus",
reconciled: $("#ReconciledFilter").val()
type: "POST"
paging: false,
serverSide: true,
deferRender: true,
scrollCollapse: true,
/* more fields ...*/
data: "Reconciled",
render: function(data, type, row) {
if (type === 'display') {
return '<input type="checkbox" class="editor-active">';
return data;
className: "dt-body-center"
/* more fields ...*/
rowCallback: function(row, data) {
$('input.editor-active', row).prop('checked', data.Reconciled == 1);
function() {
editor.edit($(this).closest('tr'), false)
.set('Reconciled', $(this).prop('checked') ? 1 : 0)
This discussion has been closed.
is a DataTable API method, not Editor. You probably got a message saying it was an unknown function when calling it on the Editor instance. Change it to the DataTable instance (which isn't shown above) and it should work.Allan
I tried both iterations, and it did not work.
I've given up this approach and resorted to a different approach. Showing the Razor code too in case someone shares my scenario (i.e., using .NET MVC 5 and trying to do something similar).
It's not an elegant approach and requires more page loads depending on how the user uses the View, but it works.
as a variable in my C# ViewModel and submit the form to (re)load the View with the intended parameters.@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "ReconcileSummaryStudentsStillAbsents",
<p style="display: inline-block">Campus: @Html.DropDownListFor(m =>
m.Campus, Model.CampusList)</p>
<p style="display: inline-block">Reconciled: @Html.DropDownListFor(m =>
m.Reconciled, Model.ReconciledList)</p>
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="SubmitButton" />
When the View loads after form submit, the editor is called with the intended parameters.
var dataTableConfig = {
dom: "Blftipr",
ajax: {
url: "@Url.Action("EditorTable")",
campus: "@Model.Campus",
reconciled: $("#Reconciled").val()
type: "POST"
serverSide: true,
And now I'm able to see the desired records after changing a dropdown value.