State Saving with individual column filtering (using select menus)
State Saving with individual column filtering (using select menus)
Hey All,
First it doesn't seem to work. Probably because i'm doing something wrong. I have columns that create custom select filters that are data dependent. I also want state saving. So the work flow looks like this: "custom filter and custom sort, switch to another page, come back and have the previous filtering and sorting applied". If no data exists for the filter it should do the expected thing and show an empty table ("No matching records found"). The column sort works great, of course the filtering not so much. What would be the correct way to use the state saving feature of DataTables with such custom filters?
I am including some code to help clarify how i generate the table and select filters.
Thanks for the help!
Table generation:
cache: false,
success: function(json){
if (oTable == null || typeof oTable == "undefined"){
oTable = $('#outtable').dataTable({
"bPaginate": false,
"bInfo": false,
"bRetrieve": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bStateSave": true,
"iCookieDuration": 86400,
"aaSorting": [[7,'asc'],[0,'asc'],[4,'asc']],
{"bSortable":false, "aTargets":[2,3,5,6]},
{"aTargets":[7], "sType":'pin-group'}, ///used for custom sort on pingroup column
{"aTargets":[8], "sType":'percent'} ///used for custom sort on percent column
"fnRowCallback": function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex){
var cell = $(nRow).children().eq(7);
if(aData[7] > 0.0){
}else if(aData[7] < 0.0){
}else if(aData[7] == 0.0){
return nRow;
$('#outtable thead').append($('#outtable thead tr:eq(0)')[0]); //swap the headers
var data = eval('(' + json + ')');
Select generation: (hasoldfilter is used for preserving filtering across an ajax refresh, i need full page refresh)
var createDateSelect = function(aData, oldval){
var r='All', i, iLen=aData.length;
var hasoldfilter = false;
for ( i=0 ; i
First it doesn't seem to work. Probably because i'm doing something wrong. I have columns that create custom select filters that are data dependent. I also want state saving. So the work flow looks like this: "custom filter and custom sort, switch to another page, come back and have the previous filtering and sorting applied". If no data exists for the filter it should do the expected thing and show an empty table ("No matching records found"). The column sort works great, of course the filtering not so much. What would be the correct way to use the state saving feature of DataTables with such custom filters?
I am including some code to help clarify how i generate the table and select filters.
Thanks for the help!
Table generation:
cache: false,
success: function(json){
if (oTable == null || typeof oTable == "undefined"){
oTable = $('#outtable').dataTable({
"bPaginate": false,
"bInfo": false,
"bRetrieve": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bStateSave": true,
"iCookieDuration": 86400,
"aaSorting": [[7,'asc'],[0,'asc'],[4,'asc']],
{"bSortable":false, "aTargets":[2,3,5,6]},
{"aTargets":[7], "sType":'pin-group'}, ///used for custom sort on pingroup column
{"aTargets":[8], "sType":'percent'} ///used for custom sort on percent column
"fnRowCallback": function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex){
var cell = $(nRow).children().eq(7);
if(aData[7] > 0.0){
}else if(aData[7] < 0.0){
}else if(aData[7] == 0.0){
return nRow;
$('#outtable thead').append($('#outtable thead tr:eq(0)')[0]); //swap the headers
var data = eval('(' + json + ')');
Select generation: (hasoldfilter is used for preserving filtering across an ajax refresh, i need full page refresh)
var createDateSelect = function(aData, oldval){
var r='All', i, iLen=aData.length;
var hasoldfilter = false;
for ( i=0 ; i
This discussion has been closed.
Now i really don't know if there is an easy way to get the previous filter state on a page change without taking apart the DataTables code. Any suggestions?
// after defining oTable
oTable = $('#pmo_projects_list').dataTable({
"sDom": 'RC<"clear">lfrtip',
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search all columns:"
"bStateSave": true,
"aaSorting": [
"aoData": [
{"sType": 'numeric'},
{ "sType": 'html'},
{ "sType": 'html', "bSortable": false },
{ "sType": 'html', "bSortable": false },
{ "sType": 'html', "bSortable": false }
// Set any search input fields after initialization.
// Not all columns have input fields so to keep indices in sync,
// iterate over a column proxy, the row of cells that
// have inputs if they are present, not the input fields themselves.
var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
var columns = $('#pmo_projects_list thead td');
search_string = oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[index].sSearch;
if ( search_string !== ""){
I'll have to get a little fancier to do the tables that have a mix of input fields and select boxes for filtering at column heads.