Use an idSrc for each field, or several IdScr in the same datatables
Use an idSrc for each field, or several IdScr in the same datatables
I have to display and edit fields of several Entities in the same datatables.
Display works :-)
Is it possible to define a different idSrc for each field or for a group of fields?
What's the best way? Make several editors fonctions (one for each table to update)?
my code for Editor:
var insertEditor;
insertEditor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: "@Url.RouteUrl( new { controller = "Conception_faisceau", action = "_InsertDatatablesAction" })",
idSrc: "",
table: "#insertTable",
fields: [
label: "@Language.INSERT_id",
name: "",
type: "hidden"
label: "@Language.INSERT_etat",
name: "insert.etat",
type: "hidden"
label: "@Language.CIRCUITFAISCEAU_idTypeFluideListe",
name: "circuitFaisceau.idTypeFluideListe",
type: "readonly"
}, {
label: "@Language.PLAQUE_idTypePlaqueListe",
name: "plaque.idTypePlaqueListe",
type: "readonly"
label: "@Language.INSERT_idCoteCircuitFaisceauListe",
name: "insert.idCoteCircuitFaisceauListe",
type : "select"
}, {
name: "",
type : "hidden"
}, {
label: "@Language.OUVERTURECIRCUITFAISCEAU_idTypeOuvertureCircuitFaisceauListe",
name: "ouvertureCircuitFaisceau.idTypeOuvertureCircuitFaisceauListe",
type : "select"
}, {
label: "@Language.INSERT_longueur",
name: "insert.longueur"
label: "@Language.INSERT_idEpaisseurInsertListe",
name: "insert.idEpaisseurInsertListe",
type : "select"
label: "@Language.INSERT_idMateriauInsertListe",
name: "insert.idMateriauInsertListe",
type : "select"
label: "@Language.INSERT_idFournisseurInsertListe",
name: "insert.idFournisseurInsertListe",
type : "select"
label: "@Language.INSERT_referencePlanApprovisionnement",
name: "insert.referencePlanApprovisionnement"
label: "@Language.INSERT_remarques",
name: "insert.remarques"
formOptions: {
inline: {
onBlur: 'submit'
$('#insertTable').on('click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child)', function (e) {
insertEditor.inline(this, {
submit: 'allIfChanged'
This discussion has been closed.
Hi Florian,
I'm sorry no, this isn't currently possible in Editor. Each row has a unique id, which is common to that whole row.
The only thing I can think of would be to have a different Editor instance for each field, each of which would point at a different property for the id you want to edit (
Hi Allan
Finaly, we will try to merge the id value with the name of the field (separate with __) , and extract it in the function who update my database
would you like a feedback?