reset filter on filtered result set
reset filter on filtered result set
Hi Allan:
Since I added additional logic to my js, the input filter no longer works as expected. This only happens when I have the option selected that I added to the select list. For example, I have added logic (an option called "most recent" to the select list) that shows records that were posted today or yesterday - which works great. however, I noticed that when I try to search for a data I get "no records to display" message. In other words the filter (input box) breaks when I have the "most recent" option selected, but works fine when any of the default options are selected. I guess I need a way of telling datatables to reset the filter on input:focus for the filter. Please see code below:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Since I added additional logic to my js, the input filter no longer works as expected. This only happens when I have the option selected that I added to the select list. For example, I have added logic (an option called "most recent" to the select list) that shows records that were posted today or yesterday - which works great. however, I noticed that when I try to search for a data I get "no records to display" message. In other words the filter (input box) breaks when I have the "most recent" option selected, but works fine when any of the default options are selected. I guess I need a way of telling datatables to reset the filter on input:focus for the filter. Please see code below:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This discussion has been closed.
$(function () {
var rand = "";
var str = "";
/* grab today's date */
var dateObj = new Date();
var year = dateObj.getFullYear();
var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
"August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
var month = monthNames[dateObj.getMonth()];
var day = dateObj.getDate();
var yesterday = day - 1;
/* get string equilvent of date */
str_year = '';
str_year += year;
str_month = '';
str_month += month;
str_day = '';
str_day += day;
str_yesterday = '';
str_yesterday += yesterday;
//rand = $.random(5000);
/* grab data and place it into an array */
$.get("forecast_centre/csv/tab_ui_1/daily_flood_reports/daily_flood_reports.csv" + "?" + randomize(), function (data) {
csv_flood_reports = $.csv()(data);
for (var x in csv_flood_reports) {
str += "\n" + csv_flood_reports[x];
console.log("Test Results: " + "\n" + str);
/* generate a table - dataTable */
var oTable = $('#daily_flood_reports_table').dataTable({
"iDisplayLength": 9999,
//"iCookieDuration": 0,
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search Flood Reports by date:",
"sLengthMenu": 'Show ' +
'most recent' +
'10' +
'25' +
'50' +
'100' +
'All' +
' entries'
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaSorting": [[0, "desc", 0], [1, "desc", 0], [2, "desc", 0]],
"aaData": csv_flood_reports,
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "Year" }, // "sType": "date"
{"sTitle": "Month", "sType": "month" },
{ "sTitle": "Day" },
{ "sTitle": "English" },
{ "sTitle": "Français" }
oTable.fnFilter(str_year, 0); // year
oTable.fnFilter(str_month, 1); // month
oTable.fnFilter(str_day, 2); // day
var empty = $("#daily_flood_reports_table tr td").hasClass('dataTables_empty'); // determine if table is empty
var flag;
if (empty === true) {
oTable.fnFilter(str_year, 0); // year
oTable.fnFilter(str_month, 1); // month
oTable.fnFilter(str_yesterday, 2); // yesterday
$('#daily_flood_reports_sl option:selected').addClass('yesterday'); // add class yesterday to option
flag = $('#daily_flood_reports_sl option:selected').attr('class');
$(".dataTables_info").hide(); // do not display information about table
} else {
oTable.fnFilter(str_year, 0); // year
oTable.fnFilter(str_month, 1); // month
oTable.fnFilter(str_day, 2); // today
$('#daily_flood_reports_sl option:selected').addClass("today");
flag = $('#daily_flood_reports_sl option:selected').attr('class');
// handle onchange event
$("#daily_flood_reports_sl").change(function (evt) {
var op = $("#daily_flood_reports_sl option:selected").val();
if (op === '9999' && flag === 'yesterday') {
oTable.fnFilter(str_year, 0); // year
oTable.fnFilter(str_month, 1); // month
oTable.fnFilter(str_yesterday, 2); // yesterday
} else if (op === '9999' && flag === 'today') {
oTable.fnFilter(str_year, 0); // year
oTable.fnFilter(str_month, 1); // month
oTable.fnFilter(str_day, 2); // today
} else {
oTable.fnFilter('', 0);
oTable.fnFilter('', 1);
oTable.fnFilter('', 2);