If I use sScrollY and server-side processing, will the scrolling load data not currently visible? Or is all data in the DOM and scrolling just makes it visible?
Currently it will scroll all the data that the table has for each draw (so a single page). There is "infinite scrolling" ( http://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/scroll_y_infinite.html ) which will load more data as the table scroller - and I've also been working on a new plug-in for DataTables which will effectively provide virtual scrolling for the table. I hope to release that within a week.
ok thanks for the answer. I will then wait for that plug-in. The infinite scroll would not work for me because I can't have the whole table/data loaded at once so loaded data should be discarded again if scrolling down further.
If you drop me a message with your e-mail address using the contact form ( http://datatables.net/contact ), I'll send you over the development version.