How to preserve data filter after sort/search

How to preserve data filter after sort/search

rdmrdm Posts: 194Questions: 55Answers: 4
edited September 2018 in DataTables 1.10

I have looked on prior answers to this question and see "this documentation is for prior versions of data tables..."

In my scenario, I this function that filters a table.

This command initializes the table on document load.

                dom: "lBfiprt",
                buttons: ["excelHtml5", "print"],
                columnDefs: [{ visible: false, targets: [6, 7] }],
                stateSave: true // this has no effect

When the user selects buttons on the page, the following function is called, which correctly filters the table. However, when the user sorts the table, the filter goes away. I used stateSave:true, to no effect. What is the correct way to preserve a table filter when sorting, using Data Tables version 1.10?

function filterTable() {
                var detail = $(".display").DataTable();
                if (filterMonth !== "All") {
                        function(settings, data, dataIndex) {
                            if (filterBy === "IEP") {
                                return data[6] === filterMonth;
                            } else {
                                return data[7] === filterMonth;
                } else {


  • rdmrdm Posts: 194Questions: 55Answers: 4
    edited September 2018

    I figured it out -- and it appears to work for me. The problem was that I when I searched for a filtering method, I found a method that worked, but didn't play will with saveState. After digging around some more, I found a nicer method that does play well with saveState.

    function filterTable() {
        var detail = $(".display").DataTable();
        if (filterMonth !== "All") {
            if (filterBy === "IEP") {
            } else {
        } else {
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