Server-side and adding number record
Server-side and adding number record
Hi there,
I am using datatables 1.7.6, and server-side data from a php4 installation.
I want to add a row number fixed column as in the counter_column.html example BUT I am getting a little upset cause' I've been here for hours trying and I just cant fix it..
This setup is what "kind of" works for me:
PHP SCRIPT: (I'm guessing this would be enough...)
$aColumns = array('users.payrollNumber', 'users.username', 'users.firstname', 'users.lastname','', 'categorias.nombre', 'users.extension', 'roles.description' );
$sColumns = '"payroll,username,firstname,lastname,active,category,extension,role"';
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "users.payrollNumber";
/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "users";
$sTable .= " LEFT JOIN categorias ON users.categoriaid = LEFT JOIN roles ON users.roleid = roles.roleid";
* Output
$sOutput = '{';
$sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.intval($_GET['sEcho']).', ';
$sOutput .= '"sColumns": '.$sColumns.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
$totalColumns = count($aColumns);
//echo "columnas: " . $totalColumns;
while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_row( $rResult ) )
for ( $i=0 ; $i < $totalColumns ; $i++ )
if ( $aColumns[$i] != ' ' )
/* General output */
$sOutput .= '"'.str_replace(
array( '"', "\n", "\r" ),
array( '\\"', "\\n", "\\n"),
$aRow[ $i ] ).'",';
* Optional Configuration:
* If you need to add any extra columns (add/edit/delete etc) to the table, that aren't in the
* database - you can do it here
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= "],";
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= '] }';
echo utf8_encode($sOutput);
and my datatables initialisation:
oTable = $('#data_tables').dataTable( {
"fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings){
//cambio de color con el mouse encima
$('#data_tables tr').hover(
$(this).children('td').each(function ()
if ( oSettings.bSorted || oSettings.bFiltered )
for ( var i=0, iLen=oSettings.aiDisplay.length ; i
I am using datatables 1.7.6, and server-side data from a php4 installation.
I want to add a row number fixed column as in the counter_column.html example BUT I am getting a little upset cause' I've been here for hours trying and I just cant fix it..
This setup is what "kind of" works for me:
PHP SCRIPT: (I'm guessing this would be enough...)
$aColumns = array('users.payrollNumber', 'users.username', 'users.firstname', 'users.lastname','', 'categorias.nombre', 'users.extension', 'roles.description' );
$sColumns = '"payroll,username,firstname,lastname,active,category,extension,role"';
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "users.payrollNumber";
/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "users";
$sTable .= " LEFT JOIN categorias ON users.categoriaid = LEFT JOIN roles ON users.roleid = roles.roleid";
* Output
$sOutput = '{';
$sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.intval($_GET['sEcho']).', ';
$sOutput .= '"sColumns": '.$sColumns.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
$sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
$totalColumns = count($aColumns);
//echo "columnas: " . $totalColumns;
while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_row( $rResult ) )
for ( $i=0 ; $i < $totalColumns ; $i++ )
if ( $aColumns[$i] != ' ' )
/* General output */
$sOutput .= '"'.str_replace(
array( '"', "\n", "\r" ),
array( '\\"', "\\n", "\\n"),
$aRow[ $i ] ).'",';
* Optional Configuration:
* If you need to add any extra columns (add/edit/delete etc) to the table, that aren't in the
* database - you can do it here
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= "],";
$sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
$sOutput .= '] }';
echo utf8_encode($sOutput);
and my datatables initialisation:
oTable = $('#data_tables').dataTable( {
"fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings){
//cambio de color con el mouse encima
$('#data_tables tr').hover(
$(this).children('td').each(function ()
if ( oSettings.bSorted || oSettings.bFiltered )
for ( var i=0, iLen=oSettings.aiDisplay.length ; i
This discussion has been closed.
$aColumns = array('users.payrollNumber as payroll', 'users.payrollNumber as payroll_column2', 'users.username', 'users.firstname', 'users.lastname','', 'categorias.nombre', 'users.extension', 'roles.description' );
$sColumns = '"payroll,payroll_column2,username,firstname,lastname,active,category,extension,role"';
thanks for replying
I removed the condition [code] if ( oSettings.bSorted || oSettings.bFiltered ) [/code]
and it works now.... I still don't really know what it is, but at least it does the job. :)