ColReorder with individual column filtering
ColReorder with individual column filtering
I am trying to use ColReorder in conjunction with ColVis and individual column filtering.
The example page does not seem to work. I've tried on numerous browsers and I can't even move the columns, also the ColVis menu shows the input boxes instead of the column labels. Trying the example on my code I am able to move the columns but the filter index does not update properly so sorting and filtering break. Is this feature not currently supported? I am using 1.8 and the nightly of both Colvis and ColReorder.
The example page does not seem to work. I've tried on numerous browsers and I can't even move the columns, also the ColVis menu shows the input boxes instead of the column labels. Trying the example on my code I am able to move the columns but the filter index does not update properly so sorting and filtering break. Is this feature not currently supported? I am using 1.8 and the nightly of both Colvis and ColReorder.
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I've used:
oTable.fnFilter('blahblahblah', oTable.oApi._fnColumnIndexToVisible( oTable.fnSettings(), 2 ));
Once the column is rearranged, the filtering no longer works