Responsive table doesn't work for two tables with renderer listHiddenNodes()
Responsive table doesn't work for two tables with renderer listHiddenNodes()

Hi Allen
First, I am sorry for my poor english.
I have a Problem, wenn I use responsive PlugIn and renderer listHiddenNodes for two tables.
you can make the window smaller and open the first row in first table.
And then you can open the first row in second table
but the sub-column in first Table disappears.
now you can open and close the details row and resize the window.
the Result ist totally wrong
can you take a look at it.
thank you
Hi @chio ,
Just so I'm clear what I'm looking at, can you explain what you mean by "Result is totally wrong"? I'm seeing the fields that were responsively hidden now blank in the second table - is this your issue? If not, please can you give more details.
Also, is it possible to use the renderer
instead? This works for me - or do you need the nodes copied to?C
Hi colin,
thank you for you answer.
totally wrong means here the column in second Table can be restored in first Table.
hier is the new example.
you can test it with the steps.
step 1. make window small
step 2. open the first row in first Table
step 3. open the first row in second Table
==> error 1: details text in first Table disappears.
step 4. enlarge the window until all columns be restored.
step 5. make window small again
==> error 2: details text in both Table disappears.
step 5. enalrge the window again
==> error 3: column text in second Table would be restored in first Table
the render listHideen works for me.
but i need to copy the node.
thanks again
Kind regards
I'm not seeing that I'm afraid. What browser are you using and how small is "small"?
Hi allan,
I use iron with Version 68.0.3550.0 (Offizieller Build) (32-Bit).
small ==> the last column is hidden in detail rows.
details text in first Tabel disappears means nicht complete disappears.
only the text in last column of first row disappears.
the column head is still displayed in details row
How odd - I'm using the same build and version. How small (in pixels) do you have the output display?
Hi Allan,
the width is 572px.
and in Table1

in Table2

Yup - got it. That's the oddest thing! At other sizes I can't reproduce it (I suspect there probably are some, but I've just managed to trigger it yet). I'll look into that and get back to you - probably on Friday.
Hi @yangb0 ,
This has been raised internally (DD-818 for my reference) and we'll report back here when there's an update. There's been no change since first opened I'm afraid.