How to add Datatable into Mediawiki site?
How to add Datatable into Mediawiki site?

I want to use Datatable in my mediawiki site; but I don't know how to make it. I am really appreciated if anyone could give me some document or tutorial.
Thank you so much for your support.
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Hi, how much my knowledge was enough for me:
Added to LocalSettings.php next code:
Added to
If it turned out to be implemented more successfully. I will be glad to see
Thanks @Vor_Tex, it's work for me
But i have a problem to add multiple datatables in Mediawiki...
I use this javascript in Common.js to generate my table, because Mediawiki restricts the use of HTML :
I found the solution by enabling html with $wgRawHtml = true;
So i do not need anymore to generate my table from common.js