Using sDom to put DataTables to move dataTables event

Using sDom to put DataTables to move dataTables event

phtrivierphtrivier Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited July 2011 in DataTables 1.8
I would like to display some of the controls that are displayed along the table (for example the "lengthChange" element or the pagination) inside another div of my page (assuming I know the id).

I tried doing setting fnDrawCallback to something like this : :

// ... in dataTables options ...
"fnDrawCallback" : function () {
// Moving the node created by dataTable
var lengthBox = $("#jquery_table_length").detach();
// Putting it in an existing node
// ...

However, since I'm fetching the content from a DB, there is an ajax call during with the markup for the length change is visible at its initial position (before the first call to fnDrawCallback.

So I tried using sDom ( ), but apparently you can only customize the class of the Divs that DataTables creates ; you can know specify them.

Is there a clean way to implement this ?

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