Editor - PHP On Postcreate - Mail error
Editor - PHP On Postcreate - Mail error

In server-side PHP, I'm trying to send an email when the postCreate event is fired. I'd then like to trap the editor postCreate event on the client side to present a messagebox that the email was sent.
Similar to this: https://datatables.net/blog/2015-10-02#E-mail-notification
I have the server side and client side working without actually sending the email (via the PHP mail command). The events fire correctly.
When I add the mail command in the server code, the event does not fire on the client side. I assume that the JSON response is not being sent back correctly - I let the editor code send the response back, I don't do it explicitly.
Below is my server side PHP code:
You can see the mail command (with dummy email addresses). The email will send OK, but the client side postCreate event does not fire. If I remove the mail line of code, the client side event fires just fine. What is the PHP mail command doing that causes this?
All help is appreciated!
// DataTables PHP library
include( "../vendor/datatables-editor/lib/DataTables.php" );
// Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $db_abb, 'nomination' )
Field::inst( 'nomination.id' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.owner' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.ownername' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.nominees' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.s_nominees' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.others' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.categories' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.s_categories' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.reason' ),
Field::inst( 'nomination.createddt' )
->getFormatter( Format::dateSqlToFormat( 'm/d/Y H:i' ) )
->on( 'postCreate', function ( $e, $id, $values, $row ) {
mail('myemail@somewhere.org','My Subject','My Email Body','From: someone@somewhere.org');
->process( $_POST )
If that is the case, what is it sending back? You'll be able to see in the browser's Network Inspector view. It could be that PHP is throwing a warning, or something else.
I found my issue:
In my Javascript button click event handler, where I call the editor.create function, I had to insert a "return false;" at the end of the function (the button click event handler function). Without it the function wasn't ending correctly.
Thanks for your help.