Issues with automatic sort causing problems
Issues with automatic sort causing problems

I'm using key and autofill for the editor/data tables. We have multiple users working on the data tables. The issue I'm noticing is when the user is sorting our first column ("Assign To") for empty assigned to rows and tries to assign someone to it, trying to drag and click several rows won't work. It will assign to the first row and be automatically sorted. Is there a way to disable the automatic sort function, but trigger the sort only when the sort button is actually clicked?
You can see the problem on example editor as well:
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- sort the first column
- change the first row under name to say "Charles"
- try to drag and click this data over multiple "Name" rows it will only update that one row rather than the multiple rows selected.
Is there another way around this that I don't know of?
Hi @YoDavish ,
That problem has actually been fixed in the nightly releases - see this example here that's using them. We should be releasing those extensions in a week or two, but in the meantime, could you try the nightlies and see if they address your problem too.
Hello @colin,
It's still not working for me.
I've updated the link to represent the issue with the users, where usually the first row of columns are empty, but when you try to key in a value then drag and click it doesn't update those rows selected, they're still empty. Is there no other solution or workaround this at the moment?
Link below:
So the only workaround I found so far is first to sort (ASC) the first column, which results in showing the empty "Assign To" rows. Then, I have a "Note" column that is rarely used, if we click to sort this, it basically keeps the order the same. From here the user can then select an "assigned to user" and drag and click multiple rows. Hopefully, you guys can suggest a better solution than this.
Hi @YoDavish ,
I think we might be talking cross-purposes here. Could you give step by step instructions on how to reproduce your issue with that link you posted above, please.
Sorry about that. I've updated the link
I think this is because the sort "ASC" under "User" triggers first before the autofill can occur thereby preventing us from using the autofill.
Perfect, thanks, that makes sense. and I can see it. We'll take a look and report back.
Thanks for the example. I agree - that looks like an error related to the ordering being on that column. I don't have an immediate answer for you here I'm afraid, its something I'll need to look into so I've filed an internal bug (DD-1078).