Is is possible to disable the zebra stripping and the initial sort ?

Is is possible to disable the zebra stripping and the initial sort ?

xavierxavier Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2009 in General

Fantastic plugin, the best in it's category, well done !

The only issue is that it's a bit slow in the searches, I'm trying to find ways of speeding, and I'd like to see how much it improves to avoid adding the odd and event classes (any class in the tbody actually, as I don't use them). How do I disable that ?

Otherwise, my table is sorted initially, can I tell datatables not to sort ?



  • wpswps Posts: 15Questions: 0Answers: 0
    asStripClasses is an array of class names that are applied (which allow you to do the striping with CSS). The documentation doesn't say if it will not loop if the array is empty, but I would start by testing that.

    bSort controls sorting. If you want it disabled on initialization but then be able to use it. You should be able to set it to false and then re-eneabled it afterwards.
  • xavierxavier Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0

    $('table.grid').dataTable({"bPaginate": false,"bSortClasses":false,asStripClasses:[]});

    and it works really much faster. Thanks
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