Responsive Options docs are missing 'auto'
Responsive Options docs are missing 'auto'

The responsive plugin defaults has the option auto (default true), along with breakpoints, details, and orthogonal. However in the docs, there is no reference to this auto option.
I am using it to improve the speed, as _resizeAuto is hugely slowing down my table, but would be good to have documentation to refer to.
I guess it should live here:
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Thanks for posting this up. The option does indeed exist but I've not documented it yet as I didn't want to commit to having it in the code. Its a simple thing, but turning it off can cause Responsive to appear to not be working, unless you know what you are doing - which you obviously do.
How are you trigger the resize with it off?
Hi Allan,
Thanks for your response.
I rely on the breakpoint classes, but after posting noticed in the documentation this:
So really, it is pointless me forcing it to auto! Though it was useful when debugging, as if any columns didn't have a breakpoint class, it would, as you noted, cause Responsive to not work. Whereas had it then defaulted to being auto, it would've taken far longer to work out why it wasn't using the defined breakpoints.
Cheers for your help