Bug in column ordering and column visibilty ?
Bug in column ordering and column visibilty ?

Hello Datatables-Team,
we implemented your default version of column reordering (drag and drop) and column visibility (colvis) and each component works perfect for its own, but in combination a bigger bug appears.
I drag two or more columns to a different position and then I try to hide them with the colvis dialog, the wrong columns get hidden.
This behavior also appears in this example: https://datatables.net/extensions/colreorder/examples/integration/colvis.html
First hide the ‚Name‘-column, then drag the ‚Position‘-column before the ‚Salary‘-column. After that drag the ‚Salary‘-column to the first position. Then try to hide the ‚Salary‘-column with the colvis menu
=> Wrong columns gets hidden.
Yours faithfully,
Hi @tos ,
Thanks for that - it's a known issue (raised as DD-698 internally for my reference) and it is in the backlog. I'll add this thread into it and report back here when there's an update.
Apologies for the inconvenience,
We will be releasing today, and this fix will be present.