How do I sort the data using if?
How do I sort the data using if?

I have a table in MVC that I pull the table from the database and sort the data according to the following condition.
var lineitems = Model.lineItems.OrderBy(l => l.MasterNumber == "0" ? int.Parse(l.Number) : int.Parse(l.MasterNumber)).ToList();
When I want to use this table with Datatable editor, I can't give the above condition. A method I can use the order option on the View side according to the if condition is there? Or how can I sort the data in the response when sending data by the Controller?
var response = new Editor(db, "V_LineItemEdit")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Id")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Number")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Impa")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Description")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Unit")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Qtty")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.Price")
.Field(new Field("V_LineItemEdit.AltQtty")
.Where("ReferanceNumberId", id)
.Where("IsRemoved", false)
return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: "/TechnicalPricing/LineItemsTable/" + id,
table: "#items"+id,
fields: [
label: "Id",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Id"
label: "Number",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Number"
label: "Impa",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Impa"
label: "Description",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Description"
label: "Unit",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Unit"
label: "Qtty",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Qtty"
label: "Price",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.Price"
label: "AltQtty",
name: "V_LineItemEdit.AltQtty"
var table = $('#items'+id).DataTable({
dom: "Bfrtip",
ajax: "/TechnicalPricing/LineItemsTable/" + id,
"ordering": false,
"paging": false,
pageLength: 10,
columns: [
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Id" },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Number", className:' text-left font-bold' },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Impa", className: 'editable text-left font-bold' },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Description", className: 'editable text-left font-bold' },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Unit", className: 'editable text-left font-bold' },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Qtty", className: 'editable text-left font-bold', render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number('.', ',', 2) },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.Price", className: 'editable text-left font-bold' ,render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number('.', ',', 2) },
{ data: "V_LineItemEdit.AltQtty", className: 'editable text-left font-bold' ,render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number('.', ',', 2) },
order: [[ 1, 'asc' ]],
select: {
style: 'os',
selector: 'td:first-child'
buttons: [
You are using client-side processing, so DataTables is sorting the data on the client-side. In this case you'd need to use a custom sort function to get the ordering you want.
If you sent the master number to the client (have it in a hidden column) then you could just use multi-column sorting which would be easier.
Thanks for reply.
But,If master number is a zero I need to convert number to integer. Would you please send me example ? so i can see how to using.
Hi @gunseli ,
You would use
to do that conversion.Cheers,