No show ScrollX with ServerSide
No show ScrollX with ServerSide

I've been searching and trying several things on the internet to be able to show the horizontal scroll, but I can't get it.
I'm creating my DataTable control:
var columns = [
data: 'id',
visible: false
data: 'numValidaciones',
title: "Val.",
//width: '1%',
className: "center",
orderable: false
data: 'registro',
title: "Reg.",
//width: '1%',
render: function (data) {
if (data !== undefined && data !== null) {
return data;
return '';
data: 'fechaRegistro',
title: "F.Registro",
//width: '3%'
{ data: 'numeroFactura', title: "Nº Fac", },
data: 'direccion',
title: "Dirección",
//width: '5%',
render: function (data) {
if (data !== undefined && data !== null) {
return data;
return '';
{ data: 'nombre', title: "Nombre", },
{ data: 'promocion', title: "Promocion" },
data: 'total',
title: "Total",
//width: '5%',
render: function (data) {
if (data !== undefined && data !== null) {
return Globalize.format(data, 'C2');
return '';
data: 'tieneDocumentos',
title: "Doc.",
//width: '1%',
className: "center",
orderable: false,
render: function (data) {
if (data === 1) {
return '<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-1x iconmenu facturas" data-toggle="ajax-modal" id="' + data.toString() + '"></i>';
} else {
return '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-1x iconmenu registro" data-toggle="ajax-modal" id="' + data.toString() + '"></i>';
{ data: 'tipo', title: "Tipo", },
data: 'fechaFactura',
title: "F.Factura",
//width: '3%'
{ data: 'descripcion', title: "Descripción", },
$('#' + controlId)
.on('error.dt', function (e, settings, techNote, message) {
console.log('An error has been reported by DataTables: ', message);
autoWidth: false,
responsive: {
details: false
scrollX: true,
footer: true,
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
stateSave: false,
deferRender: true,
destroy: true,
info: options.showInfo, // hide showing entries
ordering: true,
paging: options.showPagination, //hide pagination
searching: options.showFilter, //hide Search bar
searching: options.showSearching,
pagingType: "numbers",
pageLength: options.pageLength,
dom: 'B<"clear">frtip',
order: options.columnsOrder,
columns: columns,
aoColumnDefs: options.columnsDefs,
buttons: [],
ajax: {...}
This is my HTML:
Why can't I see the ScrollX??
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
This discussion has been closed.
Yep, that looks like it sould work. We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
Hello @colin
I'm so sorry but the rules.
I thought that by putting some of the code I could be able to solve my problem.
I attach the case:
I have seen my proble is in this line:
But I don't understand the why.
@colin I have seen the proble is in the "r-2.2.2" script.
But I don't understand why.
The "r-2.2.2" refers to Responsive - if that's present, it wouldn't show the scroll as it would reduce the table.
Hello @colin .
In the end, I deleted that library and everything works properly.
Thanks for your attention.