Button text from language file
Button text from language file

I have my DataTable using a language file, all working fine there.
I've added a set of standard buttons via
new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons
name: "buttons",
buttons: ["copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf", "print"]
and append them to a container. All fine there as well.
However, I can't work out how I can localise the text of those buttons, ideally from reference to the language file?
many thanks...
Hi @ASKemp ,
This example here shows how to internationalise your Buttons strings.
Many thanks, saw that one, how do you do it with the buttons defined outside of the main datatable, I have the language file in the main part.
Also, what would be the button references?
you can define default buttons text as :
so each time you will use a button, it will use the correct caption
The button reference does not change yet...