Can you prefent saving (with custom ajax edit call) on table order.dt event when editing a cell?
Can you prefent saving (with custom ajax edit call) on table order.dt event when editing a cell?

When I'm in 'hard edit modus' (orange box), and click on a column title to sort asc/desc, the table wants to save the edits made in the cell. This has probably to do with inline
onBlur: 'submit'
and submit: 'changed'
in the Editor.
This causes no problem when I make a change in the cell value. But it causes a problem when I'm in hard edit mode, but not changed the cell value. It wants to send empty values or something which causes issies.
I use a custom
call in the editor as explained in the manual
In the 'soft edit modus' (blue box), there's no problemen. Not with an edited cell, not with a selected cell which is not edited.
The orange hard edit cell only causes a problem when no value have been changed. This causes the error: Uncaught Unknown field name - null
So my thought was; can I prefent saving somehow in the order
So before the reorder start; escape out of hard edit mode somehow?
But I'm not sure it is possible to escape from hard edit mode within the order.dt
Can you give me a link to your page please? If there is no change in value and you have
submit: 'changed'
then no submit should happen.Thanks,