Why was not published yesterday my question?
Why was not published yesterday my question?

my test case is http://montaj.vianor-konakovo.ru/goods.html.
Ия не пойму почему не работает пагинация.БУдте любезны подскажите мне в чем дело.
YA ne poymu pochemu ne rabotayet paginatsiya.BUd'te lyubezny podskazhite mne v chem delo.
Показан перевод для запроса Я не пойму почему не работает пагинация.БУдьте любезны подскажите мне в чем дело.
Искать вместо этого перевод для Ия не пойму почему не работает пагинация.БУдте любезны подскажите мне в чем дело.
I don’t understand why pagination doesn’t work. Be so kind as to tell me what’s the matter.
sorry test case is http://montaj.vianor-konakovo.ru/goods.html
Your server is responding with:
should be all available records that match the filter. Since it's10
, that means there is only one page of data.It would be worth reading the options for
. The protocol is discussed here.Cheers,
how to make page buttons appear?
so that I can leaf through the data with a given step
As Colin said your response has:
In the Server Side Doc Colin linked it states the following for the
parameterUnless you are searching for something that value should be the total number of records, 1792 in your case. Otherwise it is the total number of records minus the number of records filtered from the response due to searching.
You can look at this example to see this. Click the ajax tab and watch the values change as you search and clear the search.
will affect the paging buttons.Kevin