How to re-add button selections when a DataTable toggles OFF/ON?
How to re-add button selections when a DataTable toggles OFF/ON?

I am using SmartAdmin Angular 5 framework 1.9.1, which provides DataTables capabilities. I have installed DataTables 1.10.18, and Select 1.2.6.
I have an invoice page with four DTs on it. To reduce the page complexity, I use toggles that provide expand/contract of page sections. Each section contains a different DT. The problem I'm running into is the loss of DT custom button selection when sections are toggled. If I remove the toggle logic, all works perfectly.
Here's a component.html snippet showing some toggle logic:
<div class="row" style="margin-top: -15px;">
<div class="col-sm-12 myAccount">
<button (click)="toggleShowMakePaymentSubscription()" class="iconNestBtn" ngDefaultControl>
<i *ngIf="showMakePaymentSubscription" class="fa fa-minus-circle iconNestBtnPlus">
<i *ngIf="!showMakePaymentSubscription" class="fa fa-plus-circle iconNestBtnMinus">
<span class="myTask">Pay for Subscription</span>
<div *ngIf="showMakePaymentSubscription">
<article class="col-sm-10">
<div sa-widget>
<header class="tblHeader_inside_clientform">
<span class="tblHeader">Subscription Invoices</span>
<div class="tblSrch_inside_clientform">
<div class="widget-body no-padding">
data: subscriptionInvoices,
columns: [
{data: 'invoiceNO'},
{data: 'invoiceDate'},
{data: 'item'},
{data: 'description'},
{data: 'total'},
{data: 'currency'},
{data: 'dueDate'},
{data: 'invoiceStatus'}
buttons: [
extend: 'selected',
text: 'Pay'
'copy', 'csv', 'pdf', 'print'
columnDefs: [
I realize the toggle action causes the view to be re-created. But, shouldn't I be able to hook the button selection back up in the component.ts? I've tried several things, the most logical, to me, is to re-load the table, and add the table selections, in the toggle function. Here's what that looks like:
public toggleShowMakePaymentSubscription() {
console.log("AccountComponent toggleShowMakePaymentSubscription");
this.showMakePaymentSubscription = !this.showMakePaymentSubscription;
if(this.showMakePaymentSubscription) {
} else {
public loadTables() {
console.log("AccountComponent loadTables - ENTRY");
if($(this.dataTableComp)) {
if($(this.dataTableComp).DataTable) {
console.log("AccountComponent loadTables - loading tables...");
//table index num [0], [1]..., is based on the order that tables are defined in the component.html
const paymentHistoryTbl = $($(this.dataTableComp).DataTable.tables()[0]).DataTable();
const subscriptionInvoicesTbl = $($(this.dataTableComp).DataTable.tables()[1]).DataTable();
const advertisementInvoicesTbl = $($(this.dataTableComp).DataTable.tables()[2]).DataTable();
const sellerFeeInvoicesTbl = $($(this.dataTableComp).DataTable.tables()[3]).DataTable();
public addTableSelections() {
console.log("AccountComponent addTableSelections - ENTRY");
const tableRef = $(this.dataTableComp);
if(!this.dataTableComp && tableRef) {
if(tableRef.DataTable) {
console.log("AccountComponent addTableSelections - adding table selections in accountService... ");
this.accountService.setTableButtons($(tableRef.DataTable.tables()[1]).DataTable(), this, 1, 0, 'Pay');
this.accountService.setTableButtons($(tableRef.DataTable.tables()[2]).DataTable(), this, 2, 0, 'Pay Ad');
this.accountService.setTableButtons($(tableRef.DataTable.tables()[3]).DataTable(), this, 3, 0, 'Pay Fee');
console.log("AccountComponent addTableSelections - EXIT");
Thanks for helping!
I suspect it will be something to do with Angular and DataTables both trying to control the same DOM elements, but I'm not sure. Could you give us a link to a test page showing the issue please?
Hi Allan, I sent the link and credentials in a PM a few days ago, in case you missed it.
Thanks - I did see it yesterday and sent a reply then. In short I wonder if it is possible to use a non-minified version of the package files so I can debug it?