Bootstrap4 Collections Dropdown not visible
Bootstrap4 Collections Dropdown not visible

Hi, i've downloaded the bootstrap 4 build and added collections in as follows
buttons: [
extend: 'collection',
layout: 'fixed',
text: 'Export..',
className: 'btn btn-outline-primary',
buttons: [
'csv', 'excel', 'pdf'
When viewing the frontend there is an issue with the dropdown not showing. When inspecting, everything is there and the structure is sound.
I found that under dt-collection > dropdown-menu required btn-group class to actually display the menu items. I'm just not sure how to add that in to the dropdown-menu div.
Any help appreciated, thanks
This discussion has been closed.
Looks like it works here:
Maybe a CSS issue?
Could be a z-index issue. Checkout this thread. There are other threads on the forum discussing similar issue.
Thanks Kevin,
I've seen most of those threads :-),
Unfortunately z-index has no impact. the only thing i've found to work is by adding "btn-group" to the dropdown-item div. It's getting late now, maybe i'll look at it again tomorrow with a clear head.
It is definitely a css issue, for some reason the absolute positioning is causing issues.
Here's my fix