Unsorted table has empty first row
Unsorted table has empty first row

I have a problem with a DataTables table which is displayed with an empty first row; this is quite annoying because the rows do have some height.
The upload code from the Debugger is akowoq
; I don't know whether I should be able to use this myself for a testcase.
Currently, the issue can be seen in the following page:
When initially loaded, everything is fine; after clicking on the "Videos" breadcrumb (AJAX version), the headline is framed by a dashed border (for debugging; not related to the dataTable), and an empty first row shows up (if it doesn't, I might have solved my problem; in this case I'd return here and tell about the solution).
This is DataTables 1.10.4, I'm afraid; I'm willing to update, but this will involve a change of my integration I'd like to avoid right now. I seemed to have solved my problem last friday - I thought the ordering: false
option should fix my problem - but now it is there again.
I have a little wrapper API which reads and calculates a few options, and then calls the .dataTable
method; perhaps this causes a problem somehow? Javascript is not my primary programming language (that would be Python).
The content for the AJAX-loaded page (excluding the loading of all the library stuff) is taken from here.
Any ideas what's going wrong? Thank you!
I forgot to provide the URL of the Javascript (using the mentioned wrapper API)
Please can you give more information what you mean by that breadcrumb? I tried it, but was unable to reproduce the problem - presumably as I couldn't find the "Videos" breadcrumb.
There should be a line of breadcrumbs just below the blue main menu:

Your empty first row actually contains two empty th tags. Use your browser's developer tools "Inspect" to see.
All I'm seeing is what @tangerine just said, a new row in the header...
@tangerine: Yes, I see. But I'm quite sure I didn't create them; they are not present in the page which contains the replaced table.
element used to be empty (only containing a newline); thus, theseth.sorting_disabled
elements should have been created by DataTables.More changes, just now:
* now calling .dataTable directly
* removed the
attribute which would have been read by my wrapper APII found a workaround - I hide the
Not very nice, but seems to work.
It wouldn't be DataTables, as it doesn't create extra rows. The problem with website is that there's so much going on. If you could reproduce the issue in a slimmed-down test case, we'd be happy to take a look.