Table not filtering on specific numbers in date columns - 01, 19 and 20!
Table not filtering on specific numbers in date columns - 01, 19 and 20!

I have two date columns in my table and a search box filter applied to each column, along with the usual global search box at the top. The filtering works perfectly apart from on the numbers 01, 19 and 20. I've been through every other date from 02-31 and all work fine. I can't think of any reason why this would happen - can anyone help?
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In order to help we will need to see what you are doing. Please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue. This way we can see your data and work with the code you are using.
I can't post the link publicly as it's on a member login site and contains personal financial information. I may need to raise a support ticket instead of asking on the forum.
Here's a test case:
I haven't added in the individual filtering for each column but it's doing the same using the default script - if you search for 01, 19 or 20 it won't filter but type in any other date and it does.
That's because every row contains "2019" in the fifth column, "Completion Date", so all the rows match.
Ahhh, that would make sense!!
Sorry for not seeing the obvious...!