how to papulate json encode data manualy
how to papulate json encode data manualy

this is my json encoded data
{"data":{"0":"4","user_id":"4","1":"","email":"","2":"12345","passwrd":"12345","3":"active","status":"active","4":"0.260000000","bal":"0.260000000","5":"3","AccountID":"3","6":"1LKHakRqzYi6K7sSDHmV3FirMUpN9YNMYQ","Accno":"1LKHakRqzYi6K7sSDHmV3FirMUpN9YNMYQ","7":"Bronze (New)","Server_typ":"Bronze (New)","8":"2019-11-28 06:11:55","DateBought":"2019-11-28 06:11:55","9":"2020-11-28 06:11:55","LastDate":"2020-11-28 06:11:55","10":null,"Profit":null,"11":"active","Server_stat":"active","12":null,"walletAdrs":null,"13":null,"Amount":null,"14":null,"WDStatus":null,"15":null,"message":null,"16":null,"Date":null}}
i want populate this data on div in different ways i-e some data in readonly textbox, some in editable tables . how to do that
If you want editable table, look at Editor,
first i just want to populate json data through datatables in my own way. like half of data in forms. half in two tables. how to do that?
Assuming you have code to split the data the way you want and you have two Javascript variables containing the row data for each table. You can use
if you want to add the data during Datatables initialization. Or use-rows.add()
to add the data after initialization.This page documents supported data structures and types: