createdRow function create new DOM AGAIN after datatables draw call function
createdRow function create new DOM AGAIN after datatables draw call function

hi ~ i have a table and it have 4 tabs. ( call A tab / B tab / C tab / D tab)
and different tab have different columns. ( show or hidden)
In A tab i give <td> <sapn id="test"></sapn> for each data in createdRow function.
there is my problem.
when i go to B tab order by (call datatables draw call function) and come back A tab.
it will create NEW <sapn id="test"></sapn> again and follow OLD <sapn id="test"></sapn> and OLD one
NEW one create like <td><sapn id="test"></sapn></td> [again]
OLD one create like <td></td>
I need to handle something with old one.
first time ask problesm
it that clear ?
if don't change tab call datatables draw function that will be fine.
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