Inline edit to a table that changes databases on user select.

Inline edit to a table that changes databases on user select.

ztaylor1990ztaylor1990 Posts: 27Questions: 10Answers: 0

I have a project where I have one Editor table where the data changes in that table depending on which project the user selects. I am changing the data that is shown to the user in my editor table from a select drop-down list. The user will select which project they want to see and on selection, I am sending the variable to my server-side script and using that value to decide which table to pull data from. If there is not a user selection then the default table will show on the client-side. The problem that I am having is when the table data changes on the client-side from a user selection and I edit the table the change is taking place in the default table data instead of the table that the user selected. When I check this in the Network Response I can see after making the edit the server-side script runs twice, which it is supposed to happen to my understanding. The first script shows the DT_RowID is the data from the table that the user selected but when I make the inline edit the server-side script runs again but this time the DT_RowID has changed back to the default table and updated that table instead of the one the user selected. So is there a way to hold that DT_Row ID until the data has been submitted to the db? I am not familiar enough with the process of how the editor works to know where the issue is occurring. Any advice would help. Thanks

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  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,571 Site admin

    It sounds like the database variable might not be getting sent with the Editor Ajax request perhaps? Can you show me the code you are using please?


  • ztaylor1990ztaylor1990 Posts: 27Questions: 10Answers: 0

    That is what it seems like as well. Here is my code for that.

    //current working file Main1
    function rfpworking() {
      $(document).ready(function() {
        var val = $('#project_name').val();
        var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
          "processing": true,
          "scrollX": true,
          ajax: {
            url: '../dependencies/datatables/php/rfpworking_table_serverside.php',
            "type": "POST",
            data: function ( d ) {
              d.val = val;
          "table": "#rfpworking",
        formOptions: {
      bubble: {
        submit: 'allIfChanged'
          fields: [ {
            label: "Origin City",
            name: "origin_city"
          }, {
            label: "Origin State",
            name: "origin_state"
          }, {
            label: "Destination City",
            name: "destination_city"
          }, {
            label: "Destination State",
            name: "destination_state"
          }, {
            label: "Truck Type",
            name: "truck_type"
          }, {
            label: "Companies",
            name: "spot_num_companies"
          }, {
            label: "Reports",
            name: "spot_num_reports"
          }, {
            label: "Our Avg LH",
            name: "our_avg_lh"
          }, {
            label: "Our Num Reports",
            name: "our_num_reports"
          }, {
            label: "Ann Volume",
            name: "ann_volume"
          }, {
            label: "Cust Miles",
            name: "cust_miles"
          }, {
            label: "Market Avg LH Dat",
            name: "market_avg_lh_dat"
          }, {
            label: "DAT Miles",
            name: "dat_miles"
            label: "Avg RPM",
            name: "avg_rpm"
          }, {
            label: "Carrier Fuel",
            name: "carrier_fuel"
          }, {
            label: "Cust Fuel",
            name: "cust_fuel"
          }, {
            label: "Margin %",
            name: "percent_margin"
          }, {
            label: "Margin Flat:",
            name: "margin_flat"
          }, {
            label: "Cust Flat",
            name: "cust_flat"
          }, {
            label: "Cust All In",
            name: "cust_all_in"
          }, {
            label: "Carrier Flat",
            name: "carrier_flat"
          }, {
            label: "Carrier All In",
            name: "carrier_all_in"
          }, {
            label: "All In GP",
            name: "all_in_gp"
            label: "GP %",
            name: "gp_percent"
            label: "Spot Low",
            name: "spot_low"
          }, {
            label: "Spot High",
            name: "spot_high"
          }, {
            label: "STD",
            name: "std"
          }, {
            label: "Time",
            name: "time"
          }, {
            label: "Hazmat (Yes)",
            name: "hazmat"
            label: "Lane ID",
            name: "lane_id"
            label: "extra1",
            name: "extra1"
            label: "extra2",
            name: "extra2"
            label: "extra3",
            name: "extra3"
            label: "extra4",
            name: "extra4"
        } );
        $('#rfpworking').on( 'click', 'tbody td', function (e) {
    editor.inline(this, {
      submit: 'allIfChanged'
        } );
        var rfpworking = $('#rfpworking').DataTable({
          dom: "Bfrtip",
          destroy: true,
          ajax: {
            url: '../dependencies/datatables/php/rfpworking_table_serverside.php',
            "type": "POST",
            data: function ( d ) {
              d.val = val;
          serverSide: true,
          columns: [
            { data: "origin_city"},
            { data: "origin_state" },
            { data: "destination_city" },
            { data: "destination_state" },
            { data: "truck_type" },
            { data: "spot_num_companies" },
            { data: "spot_num_reports" },
            { data: "our_avg_lh" },
            { data: "our_num_reports" },
            { data: "ann_volume" },
            { data: "cust_miles" },
            { data: "market_avg_lh_dat" , render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2)},
            { data: "dat_miles" },
            { data: "avg_rpm" },
            { data: "carrier_fuel" },
            { data: "cust_fuel" },
            { data: "percent_margin" },
            { data: "margin_flat", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "cust_flat", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "cust_all_in", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "carrier_flat", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "carrier_all_in", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "all_in_gp", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "gp_percent", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number(',', '.', 2) },
            { data: "spot_low" },
            { data: "spot_high" },
            { data: "std" },
            { data: "time" },
            { data: "hazmat" }, 
            { data: "lane_id" }, 
            { data: "extra1" }, 
            { data: "extra2" }, 
            { data: "extra3" },
            { data: "extra4" }
            autoFill: {
                editor:  editor
            keys: {
                editor:  editor
          select: {
            style:    'os',
            selector: 'td:first-child'
         function sendData(){
          var val = $('#project_name').val();
          var x = document.getElementsByClassName("downloadTableID");
          var i;
          for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
            x[i].value = $('#project_name').val();

    And this is what I am doing on the server-side.
    include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/dependencies/conn.php';
    setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US.UTF-8');
    if($_POST['val'] == ''){
    $var_value = 'rfp_table';
    $var_value = $_POST['val'].'_rfp_table';
    $haz = "SELECT * FROM haz_miles";
    $query2= mysqli_query($conn, $haz);
    while($row2 = $query2->fetch_assoc()) {
    $haz1 = $row2['haz1'];
    $haz2 = $row2['haz2'];
    $haz3 = $row2['haz3'];
    $haz4 = $row2['haz4'];

    <?php > ?>

    include( "../../../Editor-1.9.2/lib/DataTables.php" );
    Editor::inst( $db, $var_value )
    Field::inst( 'origin_city' ),
    Field::inst( 'origin_state' ),
    Field::inst( 'destination_city' ),
    Field::inst( 'destination_state' ),
    Field::inst( 'truck_type' ),
    Field::inst( 'spot_num_companies' ),
    Field::inst( 'spot_num_reports' ),
    Field::inst( 'our_avg_lh' ),
    Field::inst( 'our_num_reports' ),
    Field::inst( 'ann_volume' ),
    Field::inst( 'cust_miles' ),
    Field::inst( 'market_avg_lh_dat' ),
    Field::inst( 'dat_miles' ),
    Field::inst( 'avg_rpm' ),
    Field::inst( 'carrier_fuel' ),
    Field::inst( 'cust_fuel' ),
    Field::inst( 'percent_margin' ),
    Field::inst( 'margin_flat' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'cust_flat' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'cust_all_in' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'carrier_flat' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'carrier_all_in' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'all_in_gp' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'gp_percent' )
    ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) {
    return round($val, 2);
    } ),
    Field::inst( 'spot_low' ),
    Field::inst( 'spot_high' ),
    Field::inst( 'std' ),
    Field::inst( 'time' ),
    Field::inst( 'hazmat' ),
    Field::inst( 'lane_id' ),
    Field::inst( 'extra1' ),
    Field::inst( 'extra2' ),
    Field::inst( 'extra3' ),
    Field::inst( 'extra4' ),
    Field::inst( 'haz1' )->set( Field::SET_CREATE )

    ->process( $_POST )
    <?php > ``` ?>
  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,571 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Could you put the

    var val = $('#project_name').val();

    line inside the data function (for both Editor and DataTables) please? At the moment it is only being evaluated once - when the page is loaded. If it can change, it won't have any effect on the submitted data.


  • ztaylor1990ztaylor1990 Posts: 27Questions: 10Answers: 0

    Wow, I can't believe I missed that. It is working now. I actually have it like that on another table where I am using that function. Thank you so much for your help.

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